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A garden is an area devoted to the cultivation of plants, flowers, herbs, fruits, or vegetables for ornamental, culinary, or practical purposes. This can include:

  1. Traditional outdoor plots of land with plants grown in soil

  2. Indoor potted plant collections

  3. Raised beds and container gardens

  4. Vertical gardens on walls or structures

  5. Hydroponic indoor or outdoor gardens.

  6. Greenhouse cultivations

  7. Rooftop or balcony plantings

Modern gardens may incorporate technology such as automated watering systems, climate control, and artificial lighting to optimize plant growth in various environments. The definition now encompasses both soil-based and soilless growing methods, reflecting the evolving nature of gardening in urban and technologically advanced settings.

Garden (noun)

Hydroponics (noun):

  1. A method of cultivating plants without the use of soil, wherein nutrient-rich water solutions are utilized to deliver essential minerals directly to the plant roots.

  2. In contemporary applications, hydroponic systems often incorporate advanced technologies, such as water sensors for monitoring pH levels, nutrient concentrations, and moisture content, alongside automated dosing systems to ensure precise and consistent nutrient delivery.

  3. The practice frequently involves the utilization of organic and wild-crafted nutrients to support natural plant growth, coupled with the inoculation of growing media with beneficial fungi to enhance nutrient absorption and plant health.

  4. These innovations collectively optimize plant growth efficiency, resource utilization, and crop yields, positioning hydroponics as a sustainable and scalable agricultural practice.

Dirt (Soil-based) Gardening vs. Organic Hydroponics

1. Medium:
  • Dirt: Plants grow in soil, which provides support and a natural source of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Plants grow in inert mediums (like coconut coir or clay pellets) with nutrient-rich water solutions delivered directly to the roots.

2. Nutrient Delivery:
  • Dirt: Nutrients are derived from the soil and organic matter; the plant roots absorb them naturally over time.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Nutrients are supplied through organic nutrient solutions, allowing precise control over the nutrient content and availability.

3. Water Usage:
  • Dirt: Higher water usage due to soil's need for moisture retention and the potential for runoff.

  • Organic Hydroponics: More efficient water usage as the system recirculates water, significantly reducing overall water consumption.

4. Growth Rate:
  • Dirt: Generally slower due to the natural variability in nutrient availability and soil conditions.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Faster growth rates due to controlled and optimized nutrient delivery and growing conditions.

5. Control Over Growing Conditions:
  • Dirt: Less control over pH, nutrient levels, and environmental factors, making it harder to manage and predict plant health and yield.

  • Organic Hydroponics: High control over pH, nutrient levels, and environmental factors, allowing for a more consistent and predictable growing environment.

6. Pest and Disease Management:
  • Dirt: Greater exposure to soil-borne pests and diseases, requiring more extensive use of pesticides and other management practices.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Reduced risk of soil-borne pests and diseases, as the inert growing medium and controlled environment limit exposure.

7. Sustainability:
  • Dirt: Can be sustainable if managed properly with organic practices, but often requires more space and resources.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Highly sustainable due to efficient water use, reduced need for pesticides, and the ability to use organic nutrients and beneficial fungi to enhance plant health.

8. Yield:
  • Dirt: Variable yields depending on soil quality, weather conditions, and other environmental factors.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Generally higher and more consistent yields due to optimal control of growing conditions and nutrient delivery.

9. Environmental Impact:
  • Dirt: Can contribute to soil degradation, erosion, and higher water usage.

  • Organic Hydroponics: Lower environmental impact due to efficient resource use and the absence of soil disruption.

10. Space Efficiency:
  • Dirt: Requires more space, especially for larger-scale operations.

  • Organic Hydroponics: More space-efficient, allowing for vertical farming and urban agriculture solutions.

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What's amazing about hydroponic gardens?

Garden Year-round

Fresh harvests, any season with indoor or greenhouse growing.

Water-wise Garden

90% less water, 100% efficiency. No drain and no waste design.

Space-saving Garden

Big yields, small footprint.  

Accelerated Growth Garden

Faster from seed to plate. Greens often grow 50% faster and the rest is often 30% faster.

We Automate 
Home Gardens

Functionality You Will Love

Daily Nutrient Microdosing

Pump Health Monitoring

The system provides precisely measured nutrients to your plants each day, ensuring they receive exactly what they need for optimal growth. This eliminates guesswork and prevents over or underfeeding.

Water Level Sensing

Electronic sensors constantly check the water level in your system. You'll receive an alert if the water runs low, preventing your plants from drying out unexpectedly.

Continuous monitoring of pump performance helps prevent issues like stalls, failures, or running dry. The system alerts you to potential problems before they can harm your plants.

Precision Watering

The system maintains the perfect balance of moisture and oxygen for your plants' roots. It precisely controls watering promoting healthier and more robust plant growth.

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Grow Bigger, Healthier Plants with Less Work
Introducing the Veg, Bud, Fruit Wi-Fi Hydro Controller from Gentle Machines

Our smart hydroponics system helps you grow large, thriving plants indoors without the hassle.

Here's how:
  1. Steady, Gentle Feeding

    • Daily micro-doses of nutrients

    • No more shocking your plants with big nutrient changes

    • Healthier roots and stronger growth

  2. Custom Watering Cycles

    • Set flood and drain times to match your environment

    • Perfect for any climate - hot and dry or cool and humid

    • Roots get ideal balance of water and oxygen

  3. Hands-Off pH and Nutrient Balance

    • System maintains optimal levels automatically

    • No need for constant testing and adjusting

    • Plants get exactly what they need, when they need it

  4. Easy Remote Control

    • Monitor your garden from your phone or computer

    • Get alerts if water runs low or pumps need attention

    • Adjust settings anytime, anywhere

  5. Fits Any Setup

    • Works for a few plants or a full indoor garden

    • Expandable as your growing ambitions increase

    • Perfect for vegetables, herbs, or flowering plants


Benefits You'll Love:
  • Bigger, healthier plants with less daily work

  • Consistent results, harvest after harvest

  • Save time and reduce stress about your garden

  • Ideal for beginners and experienced growers alike


Ready to simplify your indoor growing?


Get started with Gentle Machines today!


4240 Waileia Place


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