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Veg, Bud, Fruit Wifi Hydro Controller

Grow more in your hydroponics system with less work, hassle and expense.

Daily nutrient micro-dosing of your indoor / outdoor / greenhouse hydroponics garden.

1. removes the massive shock and often deadly shock to your plants under go when you dump your reservoir, replenish it, add new nutrients and rebalance your PH
2. allows you to properly feed your plants as they grow - easily update update the feeding schedule or fully automate feeding with the Plant Pro Vision


Natural hydration tailored for your indoor hydroponics gardens needs.

The Veg, Bud, Fruit Wifi Hydro controller will allow you to setup a daily period hydration tailored for your gardens unique needs. 

  • Example 1: dry high heat a good hydration and draining schedule is 10 minutes of flooding and ten minutes of draining. 

  • Example 2: cool and humid we suggest 10 minutes of flooding and an hour of draining. You can control exactly how long each flood and drain period is in your water circulation schedule.



The simple logic of polyculture for home use.


Did you ever see a PH or EC meter in a lush forest? Nope? We have not either.  It's because established eco-systems can manage on their own. Our controller simply mimics the process of adding new nutrients in small doses. 

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Installation Manual for VEG, BUD, FRUIT Wi-Fi Hydroponics Controller


Step 1: Printing the Controller Case (File is available to download below)

  • 3D print the controller case to protect the components and provide housing. We recommend PLA if direct sun is am issue paint with UV protective paint.


Step 2: Power Supply Selection

  • Choose a 12-volt power supply (at least 1 amp, preferably 2 amps) for ample power. See below for details.


Step 3: Peripheral Setup

  • Connect pumps (peristaltic or centrifugal) to the designated outlets on the controller. See below for details.


Step 4: Mounting the Controller

  • Mount the controller as high as possible to reduce Wi-Fi interference.

  • If possible, place it on the side with a direct line of sight to your router.


Step 5: LED Indicators

  • Utilize the LED indicators for pump activity and water sensor status.


Step 6: Micro USB Connection

  • Use the micro USB port for development, upgrades, and serial interface interactions.


Step 7: Future Enhancement

  • Be aware of the future micro USB port for controlling a smart camera (currently not fully functional).


Step 8: Configuring Wi-Fi Connection

  1. Press and hold the Wi-Fi configuration button for 15 seconds.

  2. Connect to the "ESP" or "GM" network from your laptop or smartphone.

  3. Access the controller setup page, enter your Wi-Fi credentials, and save.


Step 9: Email Configuration for Circulation and Feeding

  • Check your email for a message from the controller system.

  • Click the link provided in the email to access the configuration portal.

  • Log in using the credentials associated with your email address.

  • Customize circulation and feeding settings based on your plant's needs.

  • Save your configuration changes in the portal.

  • Settings are updated hourly or you can click reset on the controller to force it to download now.


Additional Equipment for Connections:

  • For Pump Connection:

    • A 3.5x1.35mm male barrel connector. 

    • Center post is positive (normally red wire) test the connection before soldering and waterproofing.

    • Ensure the connector matches the specifications to connect your pump securely.


  • For Float Water Sensor Connection:

    • A standard 2.5mm headphone jack with three segments: the tip, the center sleeve, and the base sleeve.

    • The water sensor must be connected to the sleeve and ring wires.

    • This configuration is necessary to create an electrical circuit when connecting the float water sensor to the controller.


  • For 12V Power Supply Connection:

    • A 5.5x2.5mm male connector.

    • Center post is positive (normally red wire) test the connection before soldering and waterproofing.

    • This connector is essential for ensuring a secure and proper connection between the 12V power supply and the controller, providing the necessary power to operate your hydroponic system effectively.


Following these steps and using the recommended connectors will ensure a smooth and successful setup of your VEG, BUD,  FRUIT Wi-Fi hydroponics controller.


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Download and print the 3D model - most PLA will be fine.

Print Case

Mechanical Drawing

If you would like to design and print your own case here is the mechanical drawing.

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